
Zenith is an action RPG with a lot of humor. Experience adventure! Explore ruins! Save the world! You know how to do it. A single-player game with a real story. No oneiric or do-it-yourself crap. You don't have to make up the story yourself as if it were a Swedish chair. We promise.
Wizards and adventurers have one thing in common: they like to tamper with any ominous, shiny artifact they find in a ruin if they think they can get something in return, whether it's knowledge about the arcane forces that forged the world, a shiny new sword, or - God forbid - the power of friendship. No matter how many skulls are engraved on the thing. Sure, mages might be better prepared and do it for the right reasons.... sometimes. But that doesn't change the fact that they're playing with dangerous powers, and when they fail, they fail big. And more often than not, those failures change the world around them. Usually in the form of a smoking crater. Or something with lots of tentacles. Now, Argus Windell was a pretty good wizard, an arcanologist to be exact. He knows everything there is to know about ancient artifacts, but I guess an apocalypse unleashed in the middle of a war can change your views on the whole "unveiling the secrets of the universe" thing. So he retired in search of peace and tranquility. But that's not easy to come by in a world full of spiky-haired buffoons lugging around their giant swords and messing everything up with their Chosen One complex. Especially when you're trying to keep one of these dangerous devices out of the reach of their greasy hero hands.