Tiny and Big: Grandpa's Leftovers

Tiny and Big: Grandpa's Leftovers

Tiny & Big, a comic book style jump & slice platformer, gives you the unique ability to shape an entire world to your will! You are Tiny, a nerdy inventor trying to reclaim his most prized possession: Grandpa's white fine-rib underpants! On his journey through an abandoned desert, he encounters mysterious creatures, no clowns, a cab robot, and his nemesis: Big!


It's set in a land where the usual physics applies, but everything else is different. You're Tiny, a tech-savvy guy with a ray cutter, a gripper, and a good attitude about the world. But now your nemesis Big has stolen the only inheritance your grandpa left you again: A nice pair of white fine-rib underpants! And he's certainly up to no good, because why else would he bring them to this deserted desert.... Where nobody goes! So load up that homemade ray gun and rope tool (from the hardware store) and take your annoying and yakking backpack with you. Your grandpa always got good use out of that one. Also, the robot cab to the desert is waiting for you! Run, jump, pull, push and laser your way through the ultimately ancient landscape and get your underpants back!