The Falconeer

The Falconeer

The Falconeer is an open-world aerial combat game that offers frenetic aerial battles and deep exploration of the mysterious open world of The Great Ursee. Generations of toxic choices and betrayals swirl in the depths as factions clash in a battle to preserve the past or escape dire consequences.


Generations of toxic decisions and betrayals swirl in the depths as factions clash. Become a Falconeer and fly through the skies aboard a devastatingly powerful warbird. Uncover secrets lost to the sea as you join or fight against various factions and clans scattered throughout the mysterious world of the Great Primal Sea. Take advantage of multiple Falconeer classes with individual stats, weapons and warbirds that can be upgraded by winning battles, completing quests, discovering secrets or using mutagens or chants. Use the ocean's thermals and energy to dive, dodge, roll and turn to get an advantage. The Falconeer is an open-world aerial combat game that offers fast, brutal aerial battles and exploration of an incredible fantasy open-world that takes place not only above the clouds, but also between the waves and in the sunken depths of the ocean.