Tak and the Power of Juju

Tak and the Power of Juju

An ancient prophecy predicts that the Moon Juju, the benevolent protector of the Pupanunu people, will be weakened by the evil Tlaloc, an embittered Pupanunu shaman, so that he can turn the Pupanunu people into sheep in revenge for not being appointed head shaman in favor of another shaman, Jibolba. The prophecy also mentions a great and powerful warrior who would restore the Moon Juju, defeat Tlaloc, and bring peace to the Pupanunu people. After escaping Tlaloc's spell, Jibolba believes his apprentice Lok is the warrior from the prophecy and prepares to send him off, but it turns out Lok has been turned into a sheep. Jibolba sends his younger apprentice Tak (voiced by Jason Marsden) to find magical plants and change him back, but it turns out that it is not Lok. Jibolba asks Tak to get the spirit rattle, which allows the wearer to communicate with powerful juju spirits, to help him while he finds Lok. Tak returns with the rattle to find that Lok has been trampled to death by a herd of sheep. Jibolba has Tak collect 100 magical Yorbels and Lok's spirit from the spirit world so he can successfully resurrect Lok. However, an unfortunate side effect of the resurrection is a severe case of diarrhea. While Lok recovers, Tak instead collects the moonstones to fully activate the moon juju again. The moon juju reveals that the warrior of the prophecy is not Lok, but Tak, for he has already fulfilled almost everything the prophecy foretold. Using his arsenal of juju spells, Tak defeats Tlaloc and turns him into a sheep, finally fulfilling the prophecy.