Syphon Filter 2

Syphon Filter 2

Syphon Filter 2 is a third-person shooter stealth video game developed by Eidetic and published by 989 Studios exclusively for PlayStation. Hours after the events of the first game, Gabriel Logan and Lian Xing are public enemies for the Agency after revealing its connection to Syphon Filter, and are labeled as terrorists by the public.


Hours after the events of the first game, Gabriel Logan and Lian Xing are public enemies to the Agency after their connection to Syphon Filter is revealed and they are labeled terrorists by the public. Agency agent Dillon Morgan captures Lian in the PharCom warehouses and forces Gabe and the CBDC soldiers to meet with ex-Agency agent Teresa Lipan in Arizona. At the same time, the Agency sends a squadron of F-22 Raptors to intercept their transport over the Colorado Rockies. So Gabe and CBDC Lieutenant Jason Chance head for the mountains in search of their plane and a crate of PharCom data disks. Agent Steven Archer tries to stop them at all costs. A group of conspirators, including Mara Aramov and Agency Director Lyle Stevens, strike a deal to deliver the virus to a rogue Chinese general named Shi-Hao. Meanwhile, Lian recovers at a U.S. Air Force base, where Morgan, Derek Falkan and Thomas Holman work with PharCom's Dr. Elsa Weissinger to recover infected plasma from test subjects. Lian learns that the other test subject was PharCom CEO Jonathan Phagan, who survived his gunshot wound long enough for the agency to extract the plasma. Weissinger protests that Phagan is useful and should be kept alive for further research, but Morgan doesn't want the U.S. government to find out that Pharcom's CEO is infected with an unknown virus and turns off his life support to close a loose end. Lian escapes the medical building and interrogates Holman to learn that Morgan is planning another mission at the PharCom Expo Center to find an encryption disk. After killing Falkan, she leaves the base in a helicopter and joins Gabe in fighting Archer's forces. Gabe shoots Archer during his escape and recovers the PharCom data. The protagonists follow Holman's trail to the Expo Center and kill Morgan before he can recover the disk they are looking for. After decrypting the PharCom data, Teresa discovers that some information is missing. The other half must be with Russian SVR director Uri Gregorov, who showed up at the warehouses before Gabe left. Since Lian and Uri know each other, they arrange to meet in Moscow. While they are meeting, Aramov instigates a shootout and Lian pursues Gregorov. Lian later learns that he is an impostor working for Mara, trying to find the other half of the data. The man admits that the real Gregorov is in a Russian gulag, Alyir Prison, where Lian was also once held. Gregorov uncovered a plot to sell the virus to Shi-Hao, so Aramov intervened. Lian stops Gregorov's execution, but is nearly killed by the virus and collapses. Gabe takes her back to the States, while Gregorov promises to take care of Shi-Hao. Gabe and Teresa arrive back at the safe house in Virginia, which is overseen by Lawrence Mujari, a freelance pathologist. They decide to trade the PharCom data to the Agency for Lian's vaccine. Director Stevens deceives Gabe at the Agency labs in New York City, but Logan escapes and forces Dr. Weissinger to give him the vaccine. Gabe also finds out that Chance survived the mission in Colorado and releases him. Pursued by NYPD SWAT cops and agency personnel, Gabe rushes back to their helicopter. On the way, Logan is forced to provide cover for a SWAT officer whose partner is wounded. He does so, but Stevens, who later takes the cop hostage, orders him to drop his weapons. Although Logan surrenders, Stevens kills the cop anyway. Before he can be shot, Gabe is thrown into the sewers by an explosion set off by Teresa. Gabe assumes Chance was killed in the labs, since Teresa says he didn't make it to the helicopter. Gabe and Teresa finally corner Stevens and Gabe shoots him in cold blood. Gabe and Teresa reach the helicopter and find Chance in an impenetrable Agency body armor. He was really working for them and shot Teresa. Gabe suspected as much since the Agency always knew where he was in Colorado. The two men fight and Gabe kills the man he trusted with a shotgun, driving Chance into the rotor blades of the helicopter where he is decapitated. A news report reveals that the Agency's existence is now public, and U.S. Secretary of State Vincent Hadden promises that the government will investigate. Gabe heals Lian and lays a grave for Teresa. He, Lian and Lawrence hold a small memorial service and promise to keep fighting as soldiers watch them from afar. In a post-credits scene, Hadden and Aramov get off a helicopter and Aramov says that the government will soon fall and Hadden can become president. Although a team of soldiers asks permission to kill Gabe and his team, Hadden cancels the operation and tells Mara that he has other plans for Gabe. Aramov laughs as the screen fades to black.