

Surround was an unofficial port of the arcade game Blockade, which had been released by Gremlin the year before. As such, it was the first home console version of the game that would become known as Snake on other platforms. Like other early Atari games, it was licensed to Sears, which published it under the name Chase. The cartridge was divided into 14 different games. The first 12 of these were variations on the Blockade theme. Like its predecessor Blockade and its successor Snake, the aim of Surround was to maneuver a sprite across the screen, leaving a trail in its wake. A player wins by forcing the other player to drive into one of the lanes. Various options made it possible to increase speed, move diagonally, turn around and erase (i.e. not draw at a certain point). In addition, the sprites could be set to start at a "slow" speed or to get faster and faster in five speeds.