Star Wolves

Star Wolves

Star Wolves is a 3D space role-playing game with deep strategic and tactical elements. The game transports players to the world of freelance space hunters in the XXI-XXII century AD, in a time of political crisis for the all-powerful Empire and the three megacorporations that control all known worlds. Corruption thrives on the planets and only space can give a man his freedom, but not without a price: space is no longer a safe place. Human space pirates, renegade AI computers that have rebelled against humanity, and Empire patrol ships roam space in search of easy prey. Players begin the game as bounty hunters with little more than an old, run-down space fighter and a dream, but as they progress through the game, their piloting and combat skills improve, giving them access to more advanced starships. Players can control a group of up to six bounty hunters, each with different abilities, skills and personalities. Team tactics give players tremendous options in battles when sheer firepower is not enough. Tactical tricks, planning and executing ambushes, or using the special abilities of the spaceships give cunning commanders the ability to destroy their enemies depending on their play style.