Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 2

Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 2

Junkyard, a city of endless rain. With his four companions, Serf, the main character and member of a tribe called Embryon, sets out for Nirvana, a land that only the champions of Junkyard can reach. They dedicate themselves to fighting against the never-ending resistance that other tribes muster. In the midst of the chaos, a mysterious object suddenly appears, the Pod. Countless balls of light are emitted from the pod and infect Serf and his comrades, awakening their demonic powers. An unimaginable battle unfolds in their weak consciences. They develop a desire to tear the flesh of their enemies, who have also been transformed, and shatter their bones. Their instincts tell them to devour any creature that stands in their way. Until then, Serf and his comrades knew only combat, but for the first time they experience new emotions. At this time, a dark-haired girl, Sera, comes to their rescue. Although she does not know where she comes from, she possesses a strange power - the power to control the demonic transformation of the group. They receive orders from the Church of Karma to set out for Nirvana, and are accompanied by the dark-haired girl. "Those who reach nirvana first will be recognized as the champions of Junkyard." The battle comes to a head and they discover that the girl has a key to the secret. But the real fear still awaits Serf's group. Including Embryon, the tribe that the main character leads, several groups wage war against each other in order to survive. "Devour" your enemies and absorb their devastating powers and special abilities!


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  • Lucifercalls
     42**** Solingen
  • Patorikuu
     85** Frauenfeld
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