Sensible Soccer 2006

Sensible Soccer 2006

The all-new Sensible Soccer features lightning-fast soccer action, captivating dribbles, physics-defying straddles, and most importantly, plenty of incredible goals that can go all the way to the top corner thanks to outrageous overtime. Sensible Soccer 2006 returns with a modern version of the game's signature zoomed camera and a truly intuitive control system that lets you control your players' kicks and movements in 360 degrees. Visually, the game features a new, distinctive graphic style that shows players in cel-shading with the classic enlarged heads and should appeal to both fans of the series and a new generation of gamers. The game's signature top-down view allows you to see the play structure better than in any other current soccer game. This gives the player a high level of tactical awareness and control that has never been surpassed.