

The second chapter in one of the most popular and respected Japanese shooter series ever, The Tale of ALLTYNEX from Japanese indie developer SITER SKAIN. Carefully crafted gameplay experiences, destructive fun, and addictive gameplay have made the ALLTYNEX trilogy popular in the shmup/shooter community both in Japan and overseas.


Many years have passed since the ALLTYNEX incident and the repopulation of Earth by mankind. The nations of the world have united to form a single economy and a global militaristic government. However, a resistance organization has formed against the global mass oppression: Valkyness. The decades-long conflict between the Global Unified Army and Valkyness is suddenly interrupted when an alien force appears seeking revenge on humanity for the atrocities it has inflicted on its people. Earth's war against the Raiwat leads to a surprise ending that turns almost the entire planet into scorched earth, bringing humanity to the brink of extinction and sowing the seeds for the events that will follow in KAMUI.