

Pollen is a first-person exploration game optimized for the upcoming virtual reality headset Oculus Rift. Pollen is a first-person exploration game set on Titan, the sixth and largest moon of Saturn and the only moon in the solar system with an atmosphere and vast liquid seas where life could exist. Inspired by the science fiction classics Solaris, 2001: A Space Odyssey and Moon, as well as the adventure games Gone Home and The Dig, Pollen begins with the player donning and entering the research station M. Within the research station, the player moves from room to room, exploring a fully interactive environment. Each step forward leads to new discoveries about the fate of the crew and the secrets they have uncovered. Pollen will be optimized for upcoming virtual reality headsets and motion controllers at launch. If you own a VR headset, you'll be able to enter the research station "M" as if you were actually on Titan. The gameplay won't take away your camera control, use jump scares, have frame drops, or any of the other obvious VR inconveniences.... unless it's intentional, like in drunk mode. The movement mode that works best for you in VR can be selected from the various movement modes (normal, comfortable, 25-degree jump, etc.) and there are several settings available, from head bobbing to gamepad acceleration.