Paper Sorcerer

Paper Sorcerer

A powerful wizard is on the verge of ruling the land. A group of heroes get together and imprison him in a magical tome. Now, as a wizard, you must escape from this ancient prison and find a way to recover your magical powers, using your wits and a number of summonable creatures. Perhaps even more powerful forces are at work as you move through the dungeons and fight the heroes sent to subdue you.... Paper Sorcerer is a stylish, turn-based single-player role-playing game with an emphasis on strategy, party building and environmental puzzles. Fight with the skills and spells you've learned in a combat system that emphasizes strategy over grinding. Assemble a party of monsters and dark creatures to fight alongside you. Explore and solve environmental puzzles to unlock secret paths and find additional loot! A two-sided adventure, an RPG with adventure elements.