

An indie multiplayer horror game with fast-paced gameplay for up to 4 players. Teams must explore a creepy mansion where there are rumors of funerals contacting deceased loved ones. A creepy girl roams the house and players must keep her quiet to survive.


You just signed on with PAH Inc. Paranormal Activity Helpers Incorporated, yes, it sounds cheesy, but the pay is great. They say you'll never really be in danger and they have plenty of work right now. Your first job is in an old haunted house. A realtor wants to put the house up for sale, but with everyone in town spreading rumors of evil in the house, he needs proof that the house is safe. He seems to be creeped out himself. Anyway, he has hired PAH Inc. to check out the house. You can go there alone if you want, but I would take at least 3 other friends with you. Check the place and if you notice anything supernatural, try to bring evidence to PAH Inc.