Niko: Through The Dream

Niko: Through The Dream

Niko: Through The Dream is a minimalist adventure that follows Niko as she returns to her world. We travel through different islands, each of which is a unique representation of an important event from her past. Happiness, loneliness or fear merge with hidden puzzles. You'll confront dangers and traps and confront them with Niko with determination, skill and logic. The playability should be direct and varied. Each island has its own setting and mechanics. Puzzles, riddles, platforms, stealth and exploration are the ingredients for the adventure. Get ready for a journey you'll never know what to expect. A journey whose paths must be chosen wisely. The challenges you'll have to face are based on different colors, shapes and sounds. Sometimes you'll notice how the game mechanics intertwine, and you'll have to pay close attention if you want to advance on Niko's journey. The music evolves along with Niko, from happy and lively melodies to sad and somber ones, just like the journey itself. Music and sounds are key elements that stimulate both the player's imagination and mood. Don't just play, feel the adventure as yours. The narrative develops as symbols and little stories deep in the scenario. We must explore them ourselves to discover every detail of this fascinating adventure and uncover the secrets of Niko's story.