

Koudelka is the prequel to Sacnoth's Shadow Hearts series. Shadow Hearts is set in the Koudelka universe and features several locations and characters from Sacnoth's debut work.


Set in Aberystwyth, Wales, in 1898, the game follows the mysterious events surrounding the Nemeton Monastery and the three protagonists who, by chance, are forced to investigate its dark history. The plot is divided into several storylines, all of which are interwoven: The history of the monastery itself as a prison for heretics and political opponents, where inmates were ruthlessly tortured and killed; the tragic fate of Charlotte, imprisoned in the monastery from birth and executed at a young age without knowing why, who believed she had never been loved and now haunts the mansion; and Ogden's past as captain of the sunken ship The Princess Alice, his friendship with the lovely Elaine, and the events that transpired after Elaine's death.