Heroes Chronicles: The World Tree

Heroes Chronicles: The World Tree

The World Tree is the fifth part of the Heroes Chronicles, following Clash of the Dragons and preceding The Fiery Moon. As a barbarian, Tarnum defends the World Tree in the northeast of Antagarich against evil barbarians and necromancers led by the demigod Vorr. This game could be downloaded for free if you bought two Heroes Chronicles games.


In The World Tree, Tarnum hears a voice in his dreams that tells him to "Save the World Tree!" He travels hundreds of miles northeast to an ancient cave and joins the remnants of a barbarian tribe that is apparently protecting it. Necromancers have recently invaded the cave, so Tarnum assumes the ancestors sent him here to stop the necromancers from destroying the World Tree. He learns from five shamans in the area that the World Tree gives life to all things. But he still doesn't know where or what it is. Tarnum finds a barbarian tribe deeper in the caves, working with the necromancers. They claim to be following Vorr, one of the three ancestors who has turned into a barbarian war god. Tarnum enters a lush cave, believing that the World Tree must be nearby. Tarnum believes that if he can convince the barbarians not to follow Vorr, Vorr will be weakened. The mortal leader of Vorr's barbarian followers, King Targor, models his rule after Tarnum, the barbarian tyrant, and so Tarnum sends Grumba, an ogre who is his second-in-command, to find the follower of Total Memory. This way Targor can see what Tarnum's experiences have been all these centuries after his tyrannical rule, and hopefully will end Targor's madness. An elven druid named Nilidon, who comes to Tarnum's aid, tells him that the tunnel system Tarnum was in is actually the World Tree, also known as the Roots of Life. Tarnum finds the Pendant of Total Memory and shows Targor that he has made a mistake. Targor turns his army against Vorr and dies fighting him. Vorr gives up on destroying the World Tree, and the remaining barbarians kill the remaining necromancers. Tarnum learns that the World Tree will recover in time as he sets out from the Roots of Life to search for Vorr.