Heretic II

Heretic II

Heretic II is a third-person action game based on the Quake II engine that immerses you in deep, immersive gameplay that combines brutal face-to-face combat with mysterious adventures. Players travel through complex, detailed environments with stunning special effects, wicked spells, detailed characters, vivid graphics, and challenging level designs created by the Raven team and renowned fantasy artist Brom.


After Corvus returns from his exile, he finds that a mysterious plague has struck the land of Parthoris, taking away the sanity of everyone it doesn't kill. Corvus, the protagonist of the first game, is forced to flee his hometown of Silverspring after the infected attack him, but not before being infected himself. The effects of the disease are kept at bay in Corvus' case, since he has one of the Force's tomes, but he must still find a cure before succumbing to it.