Half-Life: Alyx

Half-Life: Alyx

Half-Life: Alyx is Valve's VR return to the Half-Life series. It is the story of an impossible battle against a vicious alien race known as the Combine, and is set between the events of Half-Life and Half-Life 2. Between the events of Half-Life and Half-Life 2, Alyx Vance and her father Eli make an early stand against the Combine's brutal occupation of Earth.


In the role of Alyx Vance, you are humanity's only chance to survive. Since the incident on Black Mesa, the Combine has taken control of the planet and crammed the remaining population into the cities. Among them are some of Earth's best scientists: you and your father, Dr. Eli Vance. As founders of a fledgling resistance, you have continued your scientific activities in secret - conducting important research and building invaluable tools for the few people brave enough to defy the Combine. Every day you learn more about your enemy, and every day you work to find a weakness.


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  • Pacman
     08*** Zwickau
  • Ano
     75*** Pforzheim
  • Cypher
     72*** Nagold
  • RaupeJamJam
     24*** Nützen
  • Trembling_Coward
     66*** Gerhardsbrunn
  • Andy_Awardian
     35*** Linden
  • Tobert
     97*** Bad Mergentheim
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