

Goetia is a point-and-click adventure game - and as in any adventure game, you'll have to look for clues, find objects and figure out how to use or combine them to advance in the different areas, puzzles and encounters. However, there is a big difference from other adventure games you might be used to. In Goetia you'll play the role of Abigail, the ghost of a young lady. And as a ghost you can walk through walls and fly through ceilings, you can explore everything as you please. But... to manipulate objects, you have to take possession of them, just like a real poltergeist would. And once you possess an object, you can no longer walk through walls.


The ruins of any village are the silent testimony of its last moments. The ruins of Oakmarsh are no different. Their telltale silence, the dust covering the once quiet village near Coventry. Walking through the ruins, you can easily imagine what it was like. The small black dots of the Luftwaffe grow larger by the minute. The whistle of dive bombers on approach on that fateful day in February 1941. And if you touch the charred wood, you can even hear the cries of warning and the waves of panic that resonate through time. Or maybe you don't hear anything at all. Maybe you just feel the heaviness of the silence, broken only by the wind in the branches of the ancient trees. Maybe you just feel the weight of this unanswered question: could this fateful attack explain what happened here? Is it sufficient to explain why the entire population fled the village? This is the moment when you look beyond the confines of the village, when you look up and recognize its shape: Blackwood Manor. Beyond its gates, the silence of Oakmarsh takes on a different flavor. Icy, metallic, dim, swollen with secrets that won't stand still. Blackwood. The name of a mansion and the family that inhabited it. A perverted and insane race, a clan whose last members dedicated their lives to mysticism and fanatical experimentation. I am Abigail. Abigail Blackwood. Recently risen from the grave, I know nothing about the last 40 years of my family's history.... But clearly someone is very interested in me lifting the veil on what happened at Oakmarsh - and what led to the demise of Blackwood Manor. And it seems I have no choice....