Earth's Dawn

Earth's Dawn

"Earth's Dawn" was developed by OneorEight and released in Japan under the name "Earth Wars". It combines frenetic side-scrolling action with RPG elements and a badass manga aesthetic to provide a deep and unique gaming experience. From the start, Earth's Dawn gives players the freedom to enjoy the game in their own way - from creating their own character, to customizing skill trees to enhance the abilities that best fit their play style, to crafting weapons and equipment, to a unique narrative-driven branching mission system."


"After decades of peace, Earth was decimated by an invasion of an alien race known to humans as the E.B.E.. The E.B.E. swept across the planet like a plague of locusts, consuming everything in their path and wiping out most of humanity. All attempts to fight back were futile, for the E.B.E. seemed resistant to any weapon mankind could offer. At the last moment, a breakthrough was made: by using weapons made from the E.B.E.'s own technology, a vulnerability was discovered that could be exploited. In short order, bionic implants were developed and implanted into the best forces still alive to create super soldiers capable of taking the fight to the E.B.E.. A plan was developed and the goal was clear: to take back Earth at any cost and drive the E.B.E. to the brink of extinction, as they had once done to us.