Champions of Norrath: Realms of EverQuest

Champions of Norrath: Realms of EverQuest

An action-adventure RPG with a hack-and-slash (or dungeon crawler) gameplay. It is set in the world of EverQuest. You'll choose between different classes and races and go on an adventure that will take you through different lands and dungeons, presenting you with a large number of tasks to complete while you level up your character, find new weapons and armor and learn new abilities. You can experience this adventure with a partner on the couch in cooperative play or play online.


You are a hero who has the mission of saving the world, when orcs and goblins form an unlikely alliance and it's up to you to fight them. But the dangers go even further in an adventure that will take you through five acts, different lands and a large variety of enemies.


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  • Akira32
     26**** Oldenburg
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