Cargo Commander

Cargo Commander

In a galaxy far, far away, you are one of thousands of cargo commanders who face ambushes and dangers as they scour abandoned containers for valuable cargo. You'll compete with other commanders for the top spots in various space sectors and must find enough cargo to earn your way home! The main task of a Cargo Commander is to explore containers and collect as much cargo as possible. Upgrade your equipment to stay alive! Choose a name and get your unique sector to explore and share with your friends! Use your fist cannon to drill through hulls and platforms to create shortcuts, change the battlefield, or give yourself a nice walk through space to another container. Each sector has its own leaderboard. Challenge your friends and reach the top to claim the famous sector cap employee. Find the corpses of other players where they died in their futile attempts to outdo you and free them from their caps or ammo.


"In a galaxy far, far away, you are one of thousands of cargo commanders facing ambushes and dangers while scouring abandoned containers for valuable cargo. In various space sectors, you'll battle with other commanders for the top spots in the leaderboard and must find enough cargo to earn your way home!"