Xenosaga Episode I: Der Wille zur Macht

Xenosaga Episode I: Der Wille zur Macht

Xenosaga: Episode I - The Will to Power, the first chapter of a trilogy, is a Japanese-style sci-fi RPG that shares many common themes and gameplay elements with Xenogears. The combat system is not dissimilar to Xenogears (combo attacks, AP and EP displays, etc.), but there are no more random encounters. Instead, enemies are now visible and fights can be avoided. During combat, the few upcoming moves of allies and enemies are displayed on the screen, allowing the player to make strategic decisions about who will act next. Each move also moves a rolling slot that grants a bonus such as extra damage or bonus XP for each action taken that turn. If the enemy is able to gain an advantage, the player can use up a character's "boost" meter to act next. Each character has their own tree of aether spells that they can learn by spending aether points earned in battle, though the lower level spells must first be purchased. After a spell is purchased, it can be learned by any other character who can spend twice the normal cost, as long as it does not require a unique talent of the character. The Anti-Gnosis Weapon Systems can be equipped with various weapons and accessories and used in combat, provided a character has enough AP to mount their AGWS that turn.