

Wipeout is a racing game set in the year 2052, in which players compete in the F3600 anti-gravity racing league. In the game, the player controls one of the different spaceships in races on different tracks. There are four racing teams to choose from, and two ships for each team. Each ship has its own characteristics such as acceleration, top speed, mass and turning radius. When you control your ship using the power-up pads on the tracks, you can pick up various weapons and power-ups such as shields, turbo boosts, mines, shockwaves, missiles or rockets. With the power-ups, the player can either protect his vehicle or disrupt the competitors' vehicles.


In the year 2052, players compete in the F3600 Anti-Gravity Racing League and control one of several vehicles in races on various tracks around the world.


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  • Ryumatou
     48*** Greven
  • Andy_Awardian
     35*** Linden
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