Turrican II: The Final Fight

Turrican II: The Final Fight

Turrican II: The Final Fight is a platformer/shooter typically found on consoles, but designed from the ground up for home computers. The plot is - of course - very simple: an evil mega-robot called The Machine attacks the United Planets ship Avalon 1 and kills everyone who resists. All - except for Bren McGuire, who manages to escape and slips into the experimental bionic Turrican armor. As Turrican, he tries to show the machine who's boss. Unlike other games of this type, this game contains three levels of horizontal shooter action in the spirit of R-Type or the developers' own Katakis. There are six large worlds to explore, in which you can basically go wherever you want, since there is no automatic scrolling and the levels are full of hidden extra lives and weapons. The levels are very different: the first one in the rocky desert is quite colorful with parallax rainbow background and cheerful music, while the following worlds get more and more gloomy.


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  • Andy_Awardian
     35*** Linden
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