This War of Mine

This War of Mine

In This War Of Mine you won't play as an elite soldier, but as a group of civilians who try to survive in a besieged city. You'll fight with the lack of food, medicine and the constant danger of snipers and enemy looters. The game will let you experience the war from a completely new point of view. The pace of This War of Mine is determined by the day and night cycle. During the day, snipers outside keep you from leaving your safe house, so you have to focus on maintaining your safe house: Crafting, trading, and taking care of your survivors. At night, you'll go on a mission with one of your civilians to search for items in different places that will help you stay alive. Make life and death decisions guided by your conscience. Try to protect all the people in your safe house or sacrifice some of them to survive in the long run. In war, there are no good or bad choices; it's all about survival. The sooner you realize that, the better.


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  • Poldi_PL
     23*** Giesensdorf
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