Thief II: The Metal Age

Thief II: The Metal Age

The ultimate thief is back! Proceed cautiously and make your way through 15 new, complex, non-linear levels full of loot to steal and guards to outsmart. Improved enemy AI, new gadgets and a compelling story will draw you into the world of Thief II: The Metal Age, a place of powerful new technologies, fanatical religions and corruption.


The game starts with Garrett continuing his life as a thief. However, after an early mission, he is betrayed by his fence and ambushed, and he finds that Truart, the local sheriff, is hunting him. The guardians take Garrett to hear a prophecy about the "metal age," but he ignores it. As Garrett leaves, he learns from one of the Keepers that Truart has been hired to kill him, and he gives Garrett a letter instructing him to eavesdrop on a meeting of the Mechanists. There, Garrett overhears Truart and Father Karras talking about turning street people into mindless "servants" who wear masks that emit a red vapor that turns themselves and people nearby to rust. Truart promises to get Karras twenty victims for the servant project, unaware that Karras is recording his words for blackmail purposes. Garrett steals the recording from a safe deposit box to force Truart to betray his employer. But then Garrett finds Truart murdered in his mansion. The evidence at the crime scene leads him to spy on police officer Lt. Mosley. Garrett sees Mosley hand over a suspicious letter carried through a portal by a wounded pagan. Garrett enters the portal and finds himself outside the city. He follows the blood trail of the pagan to Viktoria, who persuades Garrett to join her in the fight against the mechanists. Acting on a tip from Viktoria, he infiltrates Karras' office to learn about the "Cetus Project,"[31] and inadvertently discovers that Karras is giving servants to the city's nobles. Garrett travels to a mechanist base to find out more about the "Cetus Project," which turns out to be a submarine. In order to locate and kidnap a high-ranking mechanist named Brother Cavador, Garrett hides in the vehicle. After delivering Cavador to Viktoria, Garrett steals a servant mask to learn about a mechanist technology called the "cultivator." Meanwhile, Karras hides in the Mechanists' cathedral to prepare his plan. Garrett and Viktoria learn that the cultivators in the servants' masks emit red vapors called "rust gas." Karras had supplied servants to nobles with gardens to start an apocalyptic chain reaction. Viktoria plans to lure the servants into the mechanists' hermetically sealed cathedral before Karras activates their masks, but Garrett deems this too dangerous and leaves. Viktoria goes into the cathedral alone and dies while filling it with plants, and Garrett completes her plan and kills Karras in the rust gas. Afterwards, Garrett is approached by a guardian who tells him that Karras' plan and Viktoria's death were prophesied. Garrett demands to know the rest of the guardians' prophecies as the game ends.


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  • Miklos
     10** Budapest
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