The Walking Dead: Season Two

The Walking Dead: Season Two

Similar to the previous season, The Walking Dead: Season Two is a point-and-click adventure game. The player controls Clementine through the environment, examining and interacting with various landscape elements and collecting and using items to advance the story. Conversation trees allow the player to initiate conversations with non-player characters. Certain responses from other characters provide the player with several options to choose from, including the option to remain silent, with limited time to choose. Such choices can affect how the other characters later respond to Clementine, which in turn can affect further events in the story. Other scenes are more action-oriented and require the player to complete quick-time events to prevent Clementine or her allies from being killed. If the player fails in these events, the game restarts at the beginning of such scenes. In such action scenes, the player sometimes has to make an important decision within a limited time frame, such as which of two people to save from the attacking walkers.


The Walking Dead: Season Two continues the story of Clementine, a young girl orphaned by the undead apocalypse. She is on her own and must learn how to survive in a world gone mad. Many months have passed since the events of the first season of The Walking Dead, and Clementine is searching for safety. But what can a normal kid do to stay alive when the living can be just as bad - and sometimes worse - than the dead? As Clementine, you'll find yourself in situations and dilemmas that will test your morals and survival instincts.


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  • Naugalaz
     11** Wien, Favoriten
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