The Room

The Room

The Room is a puzzle video game from 2012 that was developed by the British company Fireproof Games. The game was originally developed for the iOS platform and released in September 2012. The Android version was launched in March 2013 as part of a Humble Bundle and was subsequently released on Google Play. In The Room, the player finds a series of strange boxes equipped with a number of physical mechanisms. The player must figure out how to open each box - usually by breaking a series of locks - to get to another box. The game uses a variety of movements enabled by the mobile devices' touchscreens to simulate real-life actions, such as looking around the device, turning buttons and pressing switches. The game tells a story about an unnamed person's exploration of the fifth classical element "zero", which is described in notes found in the various box puzzles.


The game largely follows the plot of the movie: the likeable banker Johnny helps his friends with their everyday problems while he prepares for his wedding to his future wife Lisa. When he finds out that Lisa is cheating on him with his best friend Mark, Johnny is outraged and eventually kills himself. The game deviates from the movie by showing the events only from Johnny's point of view. The player controls Johnny in his activities that are only hinted at in the movie, such as when he hires a mysterious client in his bank and turns drug dealer Chris-R over to the police. The game also includes some jokes that try to explain the background and peculiarities of the movie and its story. For example, in a scene in the game's final level, an attempt is made to explain the unexplained disappearance of the last act's supporting character Peter, by revealing that an escaped Chris-R, in revenge for his arrest, stole Johnny's car during the party and killed Peter in a hit-and-run. The game starts with a prologue that shows Lisa and Denny at Johnny's grave (a statue of Tommy Wiseau), and then moves to a level that takes place a day before the main action of the movie. There, Johnny learns that San Francisco has been cut off from the rest of the state by an earthquake. In the final level of the game, players can tie up the loose plot threads left open at the end of the film, such as the fate of Chris-R and Johnny's contentious relationship with his superiors at the bank. After Johnny's "suicide," he returns to his mothership, a giant mechanical spoon orbiting Earth, and laments that he and his alien colleagues will never understand human life. Johnny and two of his fellow aliens then assume forms resembling a naked Tommy Wiseau and begin to dance. At the climax of the game, when the player collects all the hidden spoons in the game, the aliens fire a ray gun at Earth, turning the planet into a giant spoon.


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