Starpoint Gemini Warlords

Starpoint Gemini Warlords

A unique blend of space simulation, RPG and 4X games. Conduct research and construction in your own gigantic space station, command your war fleets and heroic companions to invade enemy territory, build your fortress, trade, mine, salvage and remind your enemies why they fear you.


The A'Shriari devastated the solar system, the central area of the Empire. In all this chaos, the star point to Gemini was reopened. At first, the remnants of the once-glorious Empire came to Gemini, but the ensuing all-out war decimated the faction and doomed the Empire once and for all. What remained were small collections of Imperial loyalists too weak to have any impact on the global politics of the Gemini. That changed with the second wave of exiles. In the months following the last war, thousands of people fled the solar system for Gemini, seeking refuge from the A'Shriari aliens. They were not greeted with joy. Instead, they were sent to a barely habitable planet in the outer Gemini region called Phaehana. There they built at least some sort of meager existence. They call themselves the Solari Concordance, discarding any connection to the hated Empire while honoring their Earthly heritage. Thousands more joined them on the planet Phaeneros. It was time to think ahead and create a place for themselves among the twin suns of the Twins.