Sensible Soccer: European Champions

Sensible Soccer: European Champions

Sensible Soccer is a soccer video game series that was very popular in the early 1990s and still enjoys cult status. The game was developed by Sensible Software and was first released for the Amiga in 1992. It featured a zoomed-out bird's-eye view, editable national, club and own teams, and a relatively simple and user-friendly control system. One of the most important gameplay elements was the aftertouch function, which allowed effective but unrealistic dodges. The game reached top positions in the charts, for example in Amiga Power's "All Time Top 100". The game's graphical style was used in other Sensible Software games, e.g. Mega-Lo-Mania, Cannon Fodder and Sensible Golf.


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  • Andy_Awardian
     35*** Linden
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