Scarface: The World Is Yours

Scarface: The World Is Yours

The game starts in the last scene of the movie, when the mansion of Tony Montana (Andre Sogliuzzo) is attacked by Alejandro Sosa's killers. But this is the point that deviates from the movie. Instead of being killed by the skull, Tony senses it and shoots it down. He fights his way through his mansion, with many deaths on both sides. In the ensuing chaos, Tony, barely alive, sneaks outside the mansion and manages to escape in his car. Sosa then learns that Tony's mansion has been seized and his vast drug empire has been turned upside down. Tony hides in a safe house outside Miami and regrets his decisions, but vows revenge on Sosa.


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  • 3solidsnake4u
     11** Wien, Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus
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