Rogue Company

Rogue Company

Get ready for Rogue Company, the tactical third-person action shooter where the fate of the world is in your hands. Defeat the enemy team in objective and action-based game modes featuring exotic locations, thrilling gunfights and explosions.... Lots and lots of explosions. Save the day. Look good. Get Paid.


Rogue Company is a top-secret syndicate of elite mercenaries who carry out paid missions to fight the world's greatest injustice. The Rogue Company is an illegal solution to a broken system. To most of the world, the elusive organization is a rumor at best. For those who know them, however, Rogue Company agents are indispensable in solving the world's deadliest and most difficult missions. As Rogue Company mercenaries, players team up in groups, grab the weapon of their choice and dive into iconic locations to compete online in various PVP game modes.


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  • LordNero
     42*** Wuppertal
  • Tobert
     97*** Bad Mergentheim
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