Rise of the Triad: Dark War

Rise of the Triad: Dark War

Rise of the Triad, a first-person shooter, is the successor to Wolfenstein 3D, with a slightly improved 3D engine. Everything is still composed of blocks, but several vertical levels have been added; there are stairs made up of platforms floating in the air and jump pads that catapult you (and the enemies) into the air, letting you run over high barriers in your path.


You are part of an elite force called HUNT (High-risk United Nations Taskforce) and you must stop a crazy cult leader from killing millions of people. While scouting a remote island, you are suddenly surrounded by enemy troops with booming guns. In the distance, you see your boat - your only chance to escape - shatter into matchsticks. In front of you lies a huge fortress monastery and your only chance to stop the madness.