

Rambo is a side-scrolling platform game in which the player controls Rambo in his mission in Vietnam. The game starts in the military base before he is sent to Vietnam. In Vietnam, Rambo must fight animals such as wasps, snakes, fish, tigers, bats, spiders, birds, monkeys and flamingos in the jungles, swamps and caves. Before heading to the POW camp, he'll have to fight against guards and mercenaries who can kick and shoot him, and who all wear different colored shirts depending on how strong they are. The game also requires the player to navigate a complex map, where he must find north and south points on the ground to ascend and descend levels, as well as east and west, moving Rambo to the edge of the screen. There are 6 different weapons that Rambo can pick up: Knife, throwing knife, bow and arrow, bow and exploration arrow, rifle and hand grenade. All weapons except the knife have limited ammo that you can collect from killed enemies. There is also a health vial that restores health, as well as mission-specific items that Rambo must find to complete some missions. The game uses a password memory that you can retrieve when you talk to any person.