Penny-Punching Princess

Penny-Punching Princess

"In a world ruled by capitalism, cash is king! Use the money you collect to bribe your enemies to fight for you, activate deadly traps with your money, and when all else fails, smash all who oppose you with your fists! Fight your way from nothing and collect treasures to take on the powerful Dragoloan family and reclaim your kingdom!"


"Long ago, there was an era when :power meant everything." Monsters threatened humanity.... Led by a tyrant who ruled through fear.... But eventually a hero defeated these evil foes.... The law of the natural world was simple and absolute: the fittest survives. But time inevitably demands change. And with the ceaseless flow of time, people's values also inevitably change. In this case, it was the rise of capitalism. Money is power. Money is justice. A world where even love can be bought with money. In short, an era has dawned where even a Level 1 plebiscite can defeat a tyrant as long as he has money."