Payday 2: Crimewave Edition

Payday 2: Crimewave Edition

Assemble a crew for the second installment of the thrilling PayDay heist. Don the masks of the original PayDay crew - Dallas, Hoxton, Wolf and Chains - and embark on an epic manhunt to Washington D.C.. The new CRIMENET network in PayDay 2 offers a huge variety of dynamic assignments and players can choose to take on anything from small store robberies or kidnappings to major league cybercrime or clearing out large bank vaults for the epic PAYDAY. If you're in D.C., you can also get involved in the local community and run a few political errands. Up to four friends work together on the jobs and as the crew progresses, the jobs get bigger, better and more rewarding. As well as the opportunity to earn more money and become a legendary criminal, there is a new character customization and crafting system that allows crews to build and customize their own weapons and equipment. PayDay 2: Crimewave Edition brings the award-winning shooter to players with improved features and a bunch of new bonus content, giving them the ultimate PayDay experience.


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  • Black_Akuma
     12** Wien, Brigittenau
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