Mystic Heroes

Mystic Heroes

Mystic Heroes is a fighting action game, similar to Dynasty Warriors from Koei. Players can perform melee attacks and elemental spells that become more powerful as they are used. The game has eight levels. There are four playable characters and four unlockable characters in the PS2 version, for a total of eight. The game features a single-player story mode and three other single-player modes, as well as a co-op and versus multiplayer mode.


Long ago, Emperor Kang and his wife Sheva ruled a legendary land with an iron fist. Tai and Naja, two elite mystics, imprisoned them in Mount Houshin and restored peace. However, Kang's son Cyrus raised an army to fight the mystics and free his father. At this time, two other mystics, Shiga and Lani, joined the fight along with Tai and Naja. The four mystics and their friends saved the country again and restored peace. Now Emperor Kang, Sheva and the generals Grifon and Kai begin to plan their escape. Grifon reports the existence of the "Dragon Star" that could free them. So Kang invokes the Dragon Star's powers and he and all his subordinates are freed, giving Kang the chance to rise again and rule the land.