

Inspired by old Dreamcast titles (namely Shenmue and Toy Commander), Influent immerses players in a fully interactive 3D environment where the names for absolutely every object in the game can be found out with a single click! Double-click to find out even more information! Every door, drawer, and cabinet can be opened with a right-click here and a right-click there, revealing more and more things for you to learn! Influent is packed with hundreds of native pronunciations (recorded specifically for this game), giving players the unique opportunity to learn both vocabulary and pronunciation in the language of their choice. With 10 languages currently available for download, Influent combines the joy of video games with language learning, offering real rewards and achievements that will stay with players for a lifetime. Influent is a language learning game that focuses mainly on vocabulary acquisition and pronunciation. It was originally developed in Japan at the Entertainment Computing Laboratory of the University of Tsukuba under the Monbukagakusho Government Research Scholarship. After research funds ran out, a very successful Kickstarter campaign enabled the game to be completed. The Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ) has published a research report on the ideas for the game and its applications, which you can view in full here.


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  • Charlychi
     42*** Solingen
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