

HellSign is an investigative action role-playing game in which you'll confront the horrors of the afterlife that have been unleashed on a small town. As a hunter, you'll plan, hunt and kill to pay your bills and piece together the fragments of your past. But remember: a smart hunter is always prepared.


You are a hunter, the last line of defense between our world and the wild creatures that lurk outside. By examining the world around you and reading the evidence, you'll learn more about what you're hunting and how to kill it. Use your wits, experience and arsenal of monster hunting tools to rid the world of ghouls, ghosts, demons and everything that haunts the night - for the right price, of course. You woke up with a vague memory of dying in a drugged stupor on a dangerous assignment the night before. There is a fresh brand on your skin that you don't remember, but that makes you very uncomfortable. You find yourself on a bloody trail of strange sightings, from ghostly women beckoning people into the mist to spiders as big as wolves.... Australia is a dangerous place to live.