Football Manager 2018

Football Manager 2018

They say soccer is a game of opinions and everyone has their own, but here only yours counts. You now make the decisions on who to sign and who to sell, and how to manage your budget. Will you build tactics around the players you have available to you, or coach them to your liking? Who you field and who you bench will affect the harmony in the team, and it's up to you to manage that. Every decision comes back to you. If you get it right, you'll be the star of the show, dominating newspaper headlines and trending on social media. Your name will go down in soccer folklore ... if you succeed, of course. With unparalleled opportunities on and off the field and in the world of soccer, it's time to decide what kind of manager you want to be. Try your luck in 50 of the biggest soccer countries Win the title with one of the 2500 best clubs in the world Play in the transfer market with over 600,000 real players and staff members Watch your soccer vision come to life before your eyes When you purchase Football Manager 2018, you'll also receive a free copy of Football Manager Touch 2018 for PC/Mac and Linux. New this season! Dynamism - A harmonious squad brings better results on the field. By building partnerships between your players on and off the field and creating a good atmosphere in the locker room, you'll get the best performance out of your team. Matchday Live - A brand new graphics engine provides the best lighting, stadiums, and player models in the history of the series, as well as a sleeker game interface and modernized presentation that brings your matches to life. Real World Scouting System - A true-to-life representation of the techniques used by the world's biggest clubs, including more detailed data analysis that, combined with a wider range of scouting options, gives you a better view of every potential signing. Sports Science - The new Medical Center gives you a more complete view of your squad's injury situation. Your medical team will advise you on the injury risk of individual players and how to avoid injuries in training. Tactics - A redesigned tactics screen focuses on analysis and gives you a clear overview of whether your tactics are working. The new pre-match briefing allows you to better prepare for upcoming matches, while new player roles give you more opportunities to use your players' skills. Fantasy Draft - Revamped with a new interface perfect for streaming and several new settings options to help you tailor the Fantasy Draft experience to you, including a larger squad budget and a quick start option. Soccer Intelligence - A realistic transfer market that reflects inflated transfer fees and contract values, more clauses to help you close a blockbuster deal, and smarter transfer and board AI that takes into account more contextual information from the game world.