Culpa Innata

Culpa Innata

Culpa Innata (Latin: Innate Sin or Innate Fault) is a third-person point-and-click adventure game by Istanbul-based developer Momentum AS and published by Strategy First. According to the developer, the game was inspired by Alev Alatlı's novel Schrödinger's Cat.


The game is set in the year 2047 in the elite utopian city of Adrianopolis, which is part of a capitalist one-world government called the World Union, composed of most of the major First World countries, where disease and crime have been nearly eradicated. The value system of the World Union resembles the society in Aldous Huxley's Brave New World. It creates a certain level of societal expectations based on numerical indices that are predetermined in the system and only take into account how much a person accumulates. Like Brave New World, the society is extremely hedonistic, marriage (or "prenuptial agreements" as they are called by the World Union) are obsolete, and relationships are entirely centered on sexual interest, with multiple liaisons and even emotionless promiscuity all considered healthy relationships. Elements of Objectivism are present in the concept of selfish attitudes, with citizens being rated according to their abilities in an HDI (Human Development Index). The story centers on the protagonist, Phoenix Wallis, a World Union peace officer investigating the murder of a fellow World Union citizen in a neighboring "rogue state" in Odessa, Russia. The game offers several endings that depend on the player's decisions and actions