

Standard sidescrolling fighting game based on the Stallone movie of the same name. Sly has to fight against crooks and the elements while tracking down suitcases with stolen money scattered on the peaks of the Rocky Mountains. The fights follow the Final Fight standard and are punctuated by mountain climbing and running (or 3-D snowboarding on the Sega CD) from avalanches. The enemies are the usual crooks, occasionally carrying guns and knives that the player can pick up. The game generally follows the same pattern: you have to overcome a natural hazard (climb a cliff, jump over chasms), then lock the screen for a combat section, nature again, fight again, etc. The available combat moves are limited compared to other games of this type, and the ability to hit an enemy character is significantly less accurate. The storyline is identical to that of the movie, with levels based on or inspired by scenes from the movie. Animated cutscenes advance the story on the cartridge systems, while the Sega CD plays short clips from the movie between levels.