Battlestar Galactica Deadlock

Battlestar Galactica Deadlock

Battlestar Galactica Deadlock takes you into the heart of the First Cylon War to fight epic 3D battles that will test your tactical skills. Take control of the colonial fleet from the bridge of the Daidalos mobile shipyard and liberate the twelve colonies from the Cylon threat. Build your fleets, protect the Quorum Alliance, and prepare to delve deeper into the conspiracies of this heroic conflict.


Four years of war and a high cost in human lives have not been enough to break a deadly stalemate. The Colonials have so far repelled all Cylon offensives, but no decisive victory has been won. The stalemate is suddenly broken by a surprise Cylon attack and the brutal destruction of the Colonial fleet's high command on Picon. The fate of humanity now rests on the shoulders of Rear Admiral Lucinda Cain. The secret, cunning plan she has hatched could turn the tide of war forever....