1953: KGB Unleashed

1953: KGB Unleashed

"1953 - KGB Unleashed" is based on real projects conducted by the Ministry of State Security of the USSR (the former KGB). During this time, the limits of human endurance were explored, the possibility of telepathy was tested, and the psychological effects of fear on the human brain were researched. The photorealistic visual style of "1953 - KGB Unleashed" recreates the USSR of the 1950s: The interior of the underground bunker is built according to real Soviet military plans and the materials found there are based on historically valid documents. Explore a hidden laboratory where such experiments were conducted to learn the truth behind the terrible events that led to the closure of the project and the liquidation of its employees. There is an atmosphere of isolation and tension that makes you confront your own fears while the voice of an invisible "observer" is broadcast through the internal communication system. Is this observer a friend or an enemy? Your exploration of this perfectly preserved complex may reveal what these experiments have unleashed deep within the human psyche - but will you come through these revelations unscathed?