18 Wheeler: American Pro Trucker

18 Wheeler: American Pro Trucker

The main objective of the game is to reach the finish line with the load of the truck. Players have a certain amount of time, but can ram into special delivery trucks that extend the time by three seconds. There are several characters to choose from, each with their own truck and characteristics. The game begins in Key West and players travel across the United States until they arrive in San Francisco. After Phase 1, players can choose a trailer. One trailer is harder to transport but offers a higher payout, while the other trailer is easier to transport but offers a lower payout. The money is deducted from the total when the trailer is hit. Players can sound the truck's horn to get other cars on the road to swerve, and move into the slipstream of larger vehicles to get a momentary speed boost. In addition to the time limit, players also compete against the "Lizard Tail," a rival trucker. Crossing the finish line before the "Lizard Tail" earns you extra cash. Between levels, players can park the truck in a mini-game to earn more money.